South Lanarkshire

South Lanarkshire Council is up to its old tricks again.

Here's a copy of a recent FOI Review Request - which I've had to submit because the council has refused to provide the information requested - first time of asking.

Despite the fact that the Scottish Information Commissioner has already decided - in relation to a previous case - that the information requested does not constitute 'personal data'.

Now this issue is right on the doorstep - and in the faces - of South Lanarkshire MSPs and MPs - and some of the Labour politicians have been very vocal recently in criticising the Scottish government over FOI.

Yet - so far at least - none of these Labour MSPs and MPs have been very interested in the behaviour of their own local council - when it comes to FOI and equal pay.

So if you get the chance to put the politicians on the spot - during the Scottish election campaign - then seize the opportunity with both hands!

And let me know what your MSP or MP has to say.

South Lanarkshire Council
FOI Review Request Team

By e-mail to –

Dear Colleague

South Lanarkshire Council – FOI Review Request (SCP 35 to SCP 54)

I refer to the letter from South Lanarkshire Council dated 19 April 2011.

I am asking for a review of the Council’s initial decision because the issue of whether the information requested constitutes ‘personal data’ has already been determined - in a previous and almost identical appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner.

The case involved is recorded by the Scottish Information Commissioner as Decision 056/2011: Mr. Mark Irvine and South Lanarkshire Council: Numbers placed at specified points in pay structure.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and confirm the details below of the specific information I am asking for in this Review Request. Please send this to me by e-mail at:

Kind regards

 Mark Irvine

Original FOI request

How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 35?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 36?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 37?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 38?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 39?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 40?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 41?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 42?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 43?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 44?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 45?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 46?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 47?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column point 48?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 49?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 50?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 51?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 52?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 53?
How many of the total number of LSO 3 posts are placed at Spinal Column Point 54?

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