Glasgow City Council

Glasgow City Council has been paying some of its councillors extra 'top-up' fees - worth up to £20,000 - for sitting on arm's length companies such as Cordia - which provides many of the council-run care and eduction services.

The cost to the taxpayer is over £250,000 a year - and the payments have been roundly criticised by an independent body which advises the Scottish government on councillors' remuneration.

But the council is now in turmoil because the SNP group have proposed that the payments should stop - which has angered the Labour group within the council.

The unedifying argy bargy is reported extensively in The Herald today - but the big question is why would the Labour group want to defend these payments?

The £250,000 involved could be put to far better use - and it is clearly not right that councillors are being paid twice for simply doing their jobs - which is what these top-up payments are all about.

For example, the Chair of the new arm's length Direct Labour Organisation (DLO) - gets an extra £20,000 a year simply because the DLO is now an arm's length organisation. 

Quite what the extra £20,000 is for - is a mystery to most people.

The Labour group should be ashamed of its position on this issue - there really is no defence.

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