Confront the Bams

Gary Tank Commander got top marks from me again yesterday - for his latest reflections on the Scottish election campaign. Here's a flavour of what he had to say:

"There wis a report last week by the Glasgow University think-tank. Right, um sorry but whit is a think-tank? Ah ken whit a tank is, and ah ken whit thinking is, and ah dae think in my tank, but ah dinny then call it "ma think-tank".That's like me callin' anything I thiunk in, the think thing, like - "the think-bath", or "the think-walk tae the shops"......exactly: stupid. They should just call it Some Folk at Glasgow Uni said......."

"But according tae the polls, Alex (Salmond) is just aboot pokin' ahead of his arch sandwich-shop hiding rival Iain Gray. Did you hear aboot that? Weeks ago Iain wiz hangin' aboot Central Station in Glasgow when some radges confronted him aboot spendin' cuts - he wisnae happy 'n' done a bolt tae a Subway tae hide  behind a foot-long marinara. Except oan the telly he said he never ran away he walked away. Iain, if you hink you've goat what it takes tae be minister numero uno, confront the bams ......but dinnae dae it in a think-tank."

Confront the bams - don't run or even walk away - now that's sound advice.

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