Yes We Can

I didn't have a vote in the last American presidential election - but if I did I would have voted unhesitatingly for Barack Obama.

So it's all the more disappointing to see this American president - who promised so much - to be threatening  a veto of moves to formally recognise the Palestinian State at the United Nations.

Now this is a very complex issue that has defied various peace initiatives for the past 40 years - and more.

But it's ridiculous to say - as Barack Obama has done - that the negotiations must be left to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Sure a settlement cannot be imposed from outside - both the Israelis and the Palestinians have to show that they are willing to co-exist - in peace and mutual security.

But that can never happen while Israel continues to expand settlements into the occupied territories - which extend way beyond the official 1967 border - in defiance of  a whole series of United Nations resolutions.

For myself I can't see how the formal recognition of the Palestinian State can do anything - but provide a much needed kick start to serious peace negotiations.

But as we are heading towards another American presidential election in 2012 - Barack Obama is fearful of alienating potential supporters.

And handing a big stick to Republicans to beat him with - scuppering his chances of re-election for a second term.

The problem is that's not the kind of change that was promised by Obama - when he stood for and ultimately became the American President in 2008.

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