Bombs and Turbans

A year or two ago a cartoon in a Danish newspaper caused a bit of a stir.

Because it depicted the Prophet Mohammed with the tell tale signs of an explosion - coming out of the top of his turban.

The inference being that terrorists and fanatics were cheerfully murdering innocent people - in the name of their religion.

Sad to say that life imitated art yesterday - as terrorists in Kabul murdered a former president of Afghanistan in yet another senseless killing.

Muslim upon Muslim this time - by means of an explosive device hidden in a suicide bomber's turban.

Ironically the victim was the chair of the Afghan High Peace Council - Burhanuddin Rabbani - who died along with several other perfectly innocent people - killed by religious fanatics.

Now death and murder are not intrinsically funny issues.

But ridiculing the motives of these cold-blooded killers seems perfectly fair game - to my mind anyway.

Because if this was all God's (or Allah's) work - then his unseen hand was both guiding the actions of the bomber - while simultaneously sealing the fate of his victims.

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