Drink Responsibly

I read an amazing story on the BBC's web site the other day - which reinforces the dangers of drinking too much alcohol.

The tale involves a young man - Michael Newman (36) - who was ejected from his local pub in Broome, Australia - for being too drunk.

But instead of going home and sleeping things off Michael made a poor decision - by climbing into a crocodile enclosure - which contained a 5 metre long, 800kg salt-water or estuarine crocodile.

And to make matters worse Michael then made another poor decision - no doubt under the influence of strong drink - by trying to sit on the said crocodile's tail.

I suppose this must have seemed like a good idea at the time - but not unreasonably the crocodile - called Fatso - didn' take too kindly to having a uninvited guest sitting atop his hind quarters.

So he bit the drunk man's leg - tearing off chunks of Michael's flesh as he straddled the confused reptile.

Now this seemd to sober Michael up - PDQ - because he escaped from the enclosure before Fatso could get a really firm grip.

The owner of the crocodile park - Malcolm Douglas - said: "No person in their right mind would try to sit on a 5 metre crocodile. Saltwater crocodiles, once they get hold of you, are not renowned for letting you go."

The pub manager - Mark Phillips - said staff told him that the 'victim' reappeared at about 11pm - with bits of bark hanging off him and flesh gouged out of his limbs.

Happily a sobered-up Michael Newman made it to hospital - and appears to have made a full recovery - apart from the odd chunk of flesh or two.

So let that be a wake-up call to all you pub goers out there.

If you get thrown out your local for having had one too many - get yourself straight home to bed.

Better still - drink responsibly in the first place - you know it makes sense.

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