Humble Pie

The latest Private Eye also contains a tongue-in-cheek apology to David Cameron - on behalf of certain un-named newpapers - over recent events in Libya.

                               DAVID CAMERON

                                   An Apology

"In recent months we may have given the impression that we regarded the prime minister's decision to intervene in Libya as ill-advised, morally dubious, an astonishingly reckless gamble doomed to failure and undoubtedly the worst blunder of his entire premiership.

Headlines such as 'Libya: is it Cameron's Iraq?, 'Dave's Libyan gamble has utterly failed', Triumphant Gaddafi makes Cameron look an idiot' and 'Is Cameron stark,staring bonkers? might have led readers suppose we were in some way critical of the prime minister over both foreign policy and military strategy.

We now realise that there was not a jot or scintilla of truth in any of the above, and that Mr Cameron has in fact shown astonishing perspicacity and resolve in this glorious and wholly justified campaign and has proved himself to be one of the finest wartime leaders in the history of our island race. We apologise unreservedly for any misunderstanding which might have followed from our earlier reports.

On other pages: Come on Dave, it's now time to invade Iran, says Simon Heffer."

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