Narcissist and Weirdo

I read the following extract of Julian Assange's autobiography - in The Times the other day.

'The book describes Mr Assange's unsettled childhood, during which he moved schools 30 times, as his activist mother and stepfather travelled the country. 

They sent me to some kind of Steiner-style school", he recalls. "There was a scooter and an obnoxious little girl who wouldn't share. In accordance with the school's philosophy, I decided to express myself without hindrance, so I hit the girl over the head with a hammer".

Now this bizarre incident may have had a lasting effect on young Julian - in terms of his future relations with women.

Elsewhere in the book Assange recalls a 12-day trip to Stockholm in 2010 - where he slept with two separate women - who would later accuse him of sexual assault and rape.

Mr Assange admits in his autobiography that he behaved like "a chauvinist pig" -  rarely paying for anything and failing to return the women's calls - but the book also reveal his suspicions that it may all have been a trap.

"The US Government..........were already talking about 'dealing with [me] illegally" - Mr Assange is quoted as saying - "by deploying illegal means such as planting drugs on me, 'finding' child pornography on my hardware, or seeking to embroil me in allegations of immoral conduct."

"I won't be winning any prizes ......for gentleman of the year when it comes to these women", he says. " I wasn't a reliable boyfriend, and this began to figure. Unless, of course, the agenda had been rigged from the start."

So there you have it - everyone from the Steiner School to the CIA are responsible for Julian's troubles down the years - unless of course he's just been watching too many Jason Bourne movies.

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