Old Wotsisname

Labour leader - Ed Miliband - has been getting it in the neck for the past twenty-four hours - for forgetting the name of one of his Scottish MSPs - Ken Macintosh.

Now normally this wouldn't matter - a trifling matter in the scheme of things - but then again these aren't ordinary times.

Because the charge against the Scottish Labour party is that its biggest hitters - are all choosing to stay out of the contest.

Alistair Darling, John Reid and Jim Murphy all have better things to do with their time - apparently - than to lead Labour's fightback against the SNP and Alex Salmond - and the SNP government's planned referendum on independence in 2014.

Instead the biggest challenge in Labour's history - north of the border at least - is being left to three relative unknowns - Tom Harris, Johann Lamont and the aforementioned Ken Macintosh.

So the real significance of Ed Miliband fumbling the ball when asked to name all three candidates by an astute BBC Scotland interviewer - is not that the Labour leader forgot someone's name - momentarily.

But that all three Labour candidates are so instantly forgettable.

None of them seems likely to set the heather alight - when it comes to making an impression with Scottish voters.

And it speaks volumes that Ed Miliband can't even remember the Labour front-runner's name - back to our old friend again - Ken Wotsisname. 

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