Sweet Sixteen

The Scottish Government is planning to extend the right to vote to 16 and 17 years olds apparently.

But this extension of democracy to fellow Scots who are old enough to leave school, take up a job and get married - has caused a bit of a stir apparently.

Because the UK government is normally in control of election affairs - a power which is reserved to Westminster.

The problem for the Westminster control freaks is that because any such referendum is 'advisory' - the arrangements - including the question that is asked and who can vote - is for the Scottish Parliament to decide. 

Good thing too!

Because if the Westminster government wanted a referendum on independence they could have organised one themselves - years ago.

Some conspiracy theorists believe the SNP government is trying to improve its chances of winning the referendum on indepedence - which Alex Salmond has promised will be help towards in the latter half of the current parliament.

So the extra 125,000 young voters who will be added to the electoral register could make all the difference - and tip things one way or the other - in what is expected to be a tight vote.

I'm surprised anyone can get their knickers in a twist over such a straightforward issue - the answer is for the UK government to extend voting rights to all 16 and 17 year olds - in all elections.

Then everyone will be treated the same way - and young people will be encouraged to think seriously about  the issues affecting their everyday lives - which can only be a good thing.

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