'Stupid is as stupid does'

'Stupid is a stupid does' - was one of Forest Gump's favourite sayings.

Given to him by his beloved Mama, if I remember correctly - as a shorthand way to say that the stupidity of people's actions often speaks for itself.

Which leads me to reports in today's papers about lecturers at two west of Scotland universities - who are threatening to withhold student exam marks - as part of an ongoing industrial action campaign.

Now I always thought that campaigns were about making persuasive arguments - and rallying  people to your side.

But if this happens then students at Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) could be given final grades - without recent exam marks and coursework being included.

Apparently lecturers from the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) voted recently to support such action - in protest over job security.

Now I don't know which genius came up with this idea, but they should be thouroughly ashamed of themselves - if it were a student essay, I'd give it a mark of E minus at best.

Not just for trying to take students - or more precisely - their exams marks hostage in an industrial dispute.

But because the information involved - the exam marks - are not the private property of university lecturers - nor do they belong to the lecturers' trade union, the EIS.

So give us a break, boys and girls.

Even at this late stage - it's not too late to avoid making complete fools of yourselves.

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