More Shock Jocks

A regular reader has been in touch to say that George Galloway comes across as an 'arrogant bully' in his radio programme - in which he describes a young caller as an 'ignoramous'.

See post dated 22 May 2011 - 'Shock Jock'.

I couldn't agree more - because that's no way to speak to people - unless they're being completely rude and offensive.

But the young chap involved was perfectly polite and reasonable.

What George seemed to dislike is that the young caller was standing his ground -  and refusing to roll over - to an experienced, professional politician. 

Now they say that all publicity is good publicity.

Yet there's always and exception that proves the general rule - and this might just be one of them.

No wonder the voters of Glasgow sent GG packing.

I suspect that after this episode - he won't dare to darken the doors of the voters in Glasgow again.  

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