MSPs and Equal Pay

Here's an e-mail I sent earlier today to the five constituency MSPs - whose seats cover South Lanarkshire Council.

I have already written to the council leader and chief executive about the council dragging its feet - see post dated 8 May 2011: 'South Lanarkshire Council'.

Now the Scottish Labour party had lots to say about Freedom of Information - during the Scottish election campaign.

So let's hope there will be no shilly shallying around this time - from the Labour-led South Lanarkshire Council. 

I will be publishing the contact details for South Lanarkshire MSPs in the next couple of days - so watch this space.

Dear MSP

Freedom of Information - South Lanarkshire Council

Please find enclosed copies of two recent e-mails to the leader and chief executive of South Lanarkshire Council.

I have to say that I am amazed that the council has failed to comply with the decision of the Scottish Information Commissioner and would appreciate your help in ensuring that South Lanarkshire faces up to its responsibilities without further delay.

The pay information requested has been released by just about every other council in Scotland - without the need for a lengthy FOISA process - but not in Labour-led South Lanarkshire.

As there are over 2,000 council employees still fighting for equal pay in South Lanarkshire - many of whom will be your constituents - any assistance you can offer will I'm sure be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

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