Lords a Leaping

The Westminster government has announced plans to replace the House of Lords - with a largely elected second chamber.

Now some of us don't think we need a second chamber - or the 800 plus noble lords who inhabit its domain from time to time.

Keeping all these lords and ladies in the style they're accustomed to costs the tax payer a fortune - and what do we get in return?

Not a lot.

Except the endless whining of people like Lord John Prescott - who complains constantly that the £30,000 tax free allowance that their noble lordships can claim - is not sufficient to run their offices.

Now I think I'm right in saying that this is the same John Prescott who has retired as a MP - on a final salary pension scheme - based on a whacking great ministerial salary.

So he's drawing an enormous pension - worth more than most ordinary folks earn in a year - yet still he wants more on top of his £30,000 tax free allowance.

Do me a favour.

Me, I'd get rid of the whole lot of them - and have a single chamber as we have in the Scottish Parliament - which is common in many countries around the world.

I read somewhere that the Labour opposition attacked the government's plans - begging the obvious question:

'Well why didn't you lot do something about it - during Labour's long 13 years in power?'

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