Jumping on Bandwagons

No sonner has the Daily Telegraph published its piece - highlighting examples of outrageous council spending - than other newspapers jump on its bandwagon.

Witness the following extracts from an article in today's Independent newspaper - in similar vein.

"The details were obtained by The Daily Telegraph under the Freedom of Information Act and included flights to Thailand, Kenya and Bermuda and hotel stays at the Four Seasons in New York, the Pan Pacific in Singapore and the Athens Hilton.

Gifts have been bought from Tiffany jewellery, Gucci products and pure silk ties.

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said: "It appears that for years, some councils have been enjoying the high life paid for by you and me.

"Now that we are forcing councils to release details of their expenditure, the culture of wild overspends and excess which became the norm under Labour, will hopefully become a thing of the past."

Cornwall Council in particular had a total credit card bill of almost £9 million, including £1,145,160 on hotels, since 2008.

The expenditure included travel to Goa, India, Bangkok, Thailand and Kyoto, Japan and £81,000 on hospitality and restaurant meals.

Cornwall's Liberal Democrat opposition leader, Jeremy Rowe, said: "At a time when Cornwall's lowest paid workers are having their pay frozen it is outrageous that the - often handsomely rewarded - people on the top floor at County Hall are lavishing vast sums on travel, hotels, home cinema systems and even £1,000 on 'pure silk ties'."

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