One Member One Vote (OMOV)

Jack McConnell has stepped into the row about how best to select the next leader of the Scottish Labour party - after the disastrous Holyrood election results.

Quite right too.

Because Jack McConnell is well placed to comment - as a former First Minister and general secretary of the Labour party in Scotland.

His message is that MPs should 'butt-out' of the contest - and leave the decision to politicians and party members in Scotland - who don't look at the world from a London or Westminster point of view.

If Westminster MPs - who outnumber Holyrood MSPs by 40 to 37 - have their say, the fear is that they will choose someone in their own image - instead of someone who can effectively take on the SNP.

Now Jack has a fair point - because the last two election contests landed Scottish Labour with Wendy Alexander and Iain Gray - who were both seen to be the choice of Gordon Brown and Westminster MPs.

But an easier solution would be to just move to a system of One Member One Vote (OMOV) - instead of the crazy electoral college that gives weighted votes to MPs, MSPs - and the trade unions.

Because not only would OMOV be fair and democratic - it would also allow the Labour party in Scotland to be seen to take control of its own affairs.

Whereas at the moment all the big decisions seem to emanate from Westminster - and London - where the UK Labour party and the trade unions all have their headquarters.   

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