Lang may yer lum reek!

A regular reader from Stirling has been in touch.

One of the male janitors who listened to Action 4 Equality Scotland on equal pay - and disregarded the duff 'advice' coming from the trade unions.

Here's what he had to say:

"Dear Mark,

First of all I'm sorry that it's taken so long, but THANKS.

Thanks for all your hard work 
Thanks for all your patience 
Thanks for the money"

The letter goes on to provide the means by which I can procure for myself - a nice bottle of red wine - which is a very kind gesture and much appreciated.

The letter ends by saying.

"Once again THANKS.



PS Lang may yer lum reek!" 

When I look back on what's happened over the past five years - I take great satisfaction in seeing the difference our work on equal pay has made - to so many people's lives.

And the secret of that success has been in telling the truth - plain and simple.

While avoiding all the party politicking - that so bedevils relations between the employers and the trade unions.

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