Judge Judy

I don't really have a daily routine - each day is different from the next - for all kinds of reasons that are not under my control.

But if I had an ideal day, organised around my own needs and desires - part of it would be to watch an episode or two of one of my favourite TV shows - Judge Judy.

My admiration for Judge Judy knows almost no bounds.

Judge Judy dispenses justice in her court with passion and aplomb, she is fierce and scary when required, has a built-in 'bullshit detector', but is always even handed - and tender with small children.

In fact she reminds me of Judge Roy Bean - whose 'life and times' were portrayed in the famous but not highly successful Holywood film starring Paul Newman - and directed by John Huston.

I am truly smitten by Judge Judy - in the same way Judge Roy Bean was smitten by Lily Langtry in the JRB film - for reasons that are not always entirely rational.

I was once in New York and missed free tickets to be in the audience of Judge Judy - by a cruel twist of fate - though it may have been for the best in the end.

Because I would probably have been escorted out by Court Officer Bird - for cheering and clapping too much - or booing the bad guys too loudly.

If I lived in America, I think I would start a Judge Judy for President campaign - if she were in the White House, I have no doubt the world would be a better place.     

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