Max Power

In an episode of The Simpsons that sticks in my mind - Homer creates an alter ego for himself - with the 'can do' name of Max Power.

The inspiration for Homer's new name comes from a hairdryer of all things - which has instructions on the side referring to Max and Power - and so a new, improved Homer Simpson is born.

For a while at least - until events unravel - which they always do for the loveable loser.

For some reason all came back to me as I watched Manchester United lose 1-6 yesterday - to their closest rivals Manchester City.

The connection between these two seemingly unconnected events is - of course - the humble hairdryer.

Because the United manager, the notoriously short-tempered Scot - Sir Alex Ferguson - is famous for the hairdryer treatment meted out to his players - if they don't live up to his standards.

In other words he gives them the full blast of his temper - in the privacy of the team's dressing room - at half time or at the end of a game. 

One such incident led to David Beckham sporting a cut over his eye after a very poor game - caused (allegedly) by Sir Alex kicking a stray football boot across the room - while giving full vent to his fury.

So I imagine that Sir Alex's hairdryer was on Max Power for quite a long time yesterday afternoon - before his players were allowed to go on their way. 

Manchester City didn't just win the game - they ran right over the top of their opponents - gave  them their worst defeat in years - and at United's hallowed home ground, Old Trafford - just to rub salt into the wounds.

Spain's David Silva was like a graceful matador - compared to Wayne Rooney's angry bull.

And as I'm sure Sir Alex told his players - United were the side that was put to the sword.

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