Former APT&C Workers

Regular readers continue to get in touch - asking if there's any news about the Wilkinson case - which was heard in the Court of Session - back in June 2011.

The answer is no - not yet anway - although the written judgment of the court was expected in October 2011 - of which only a few days remain of course.

So fingers crossed - maybe the decision will still be released before the weekend - and if that happens the news will be reported on the blog site.

The Wilkinson case potentially affects all former APT&C workers in Scotland - who are pursuing equal pay claims.

Not just those in Edinburgh City Council where the case originated - and where the original Employment Tribunal judge described the council - as trying to 'defend the indefensible'.

Here's an earlier post from September 8 - explaining the  background.

Former APT&C Workers (September 8 2011)

A regular reader has been in touch about the equal pay claims of former APT&C workers.

'Why are they taking so long to resolve?' - she would like to know.

Well the answer is that the employers are using public money - to delay and frustrate progress in the courts.

By continuing to appeal a case that has already been clearly decided in the Employment Tribunal (ET) - and the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT).

The case of Wilkinson v Edinburgh City Council was appealed to the Court of Session in June - despite earlier solid judgments in the claimants favour - at both the ET and EAT.

In the original Employment Tribunal the judge described Edinburgh as attempting to 'defend the indefensible' - and the council's case fared no better at the EAT hearing which followed.

Yet still they appealed to another higher court - using time and public money of course - perhaps in a effort to starve people into submission.

Most other Scottish council employers have followed Edinburgh's 'lead' - so this has effectively become a 'test case' for all outstanding former APT&C claims.

The written judgment from the Court of Session is still awaited - and as soon as there is any further news - a report will appear on the blog site.

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