It's An Ill Wind

'It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good' - as they say.

And a good example of how true this saying is - is the news that inflation has jumped to 5.2% in September - a 19 year record high.

The September figure is used to uprate welfare benefits - including pensions - so those on benefits should receive a 5.2% increase this year - while people in work face a very meagre pay rise - or no pay rise at all in many cases.

Now there is a strong argument for protecting those who have least - though not everyone on benefits is poor of course - for example some retired people are relatively comfortable.

And the fact is that over time things even out - a 'big' increase one year may drop like a stone the next.

But implementing the full amount will apparently cost the country an extra £1.8 billion - so there is talk of changing the formula or staging the increase to reduce the value of this 'windfall'.

To my mind that would be changing the rules halfway through the game - though governments of all colours have got up to such tricks in the past.

If the coalition government has any sense it will just bite the bullet - and stand up for those who have least - which is the reality of life for most people on state benefits.  

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