Scottish Ambulance Service

While I'm on the subject of Freedom of Information - I thought I'd share the response I've received to a recent FOI request - to the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS).

What a contrast between the SAS and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - with the SAS essentially refusing to answer simple questions about their 'rest breaks' policy - because the issue is still under discussion.

Well it's been under discussion for years apparently until the Scottish Health Secretary - Nicola Sturgeon - stepped in and banged a few heads together.

But I'm not asking for any confidential information of course - certainly nothing that would interfere with any internal negotiations that are underway.

So what's the big secret?

Given the very unhelpful and defensive reply - I have already asked for a review of their initial decision - which the SAS has to respond to within 20 working days.

I'm all excited because the 20 days are nearly up - meantime you will note that SAS response which says that their Employee Director is not paid any additional remuneration.

If that is correct - then it seems to be at odds with the practice elsewhere in NHS Scotland -  Greater Glasgow and Clyde, for example.

The mystery deepens.

4 October 2011

Calum Kerr
Head of Corporate Affairs
Scottish Ambulance Service

By e-mail

Dear Calum

FOISA Review Request

I refer to the FOISA response of the Scottish Ambulance Service dated 3 October 2011 (received today 4 October 2011) - a copy of which is attached to this letter for easy reference.

I would like to ask for a review of this decision because the SAS has not responded to my questions numbered 1 to 5 - and I can see no valid reason under FOISA for withholding this this information.

As far as I can tell Questions 1 to 4 relate to historical information which cannot prejudice any ongoing discussions regarding SAS policy on 'rest breaks' - while the SAS has simply not answered my request in relation to Question 5.

I note your answers in relation to Questions 6, 7 and 8.

I look forward to hearing from you and would be grateful if you could respond by e-mail to -

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

Dear Mr Irvine


Thank you for your email of 2 September 2011 requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act Scotland 2002 which has been processed.


You asked:-

1. How many ambulance personnel are affected by the current SAS policy on rest breaks?

2. How many ambulance personnel have opted to give up their uninterrupted rest breaks - and what is the current annual cost of the additional £5 payment?

3. In 2010 (or equivalent 12 month period) on how many occasions were ambulance crews interrupted during their rest breaks - what percentage does this figure represent?

4. If an ambulance crew is interrupted during a rest break - is the crew still entitled to a break later on during that same shift?

5. Does the Employee Director of the SAS Board get time-off with pay to perform his trade union duties and if so how much time-off - full-time release, for example?

6. Does the Employee Director receive additional remuneration - for acting as a member of the SAS board and if so, how much per annum?

7. How is the Employee Director appointed - by a vote or following an interview process, for example?

8. Do other employees of SAS receive additional remuneration for acting as board members - i.e. in addition to their substantive jobs?


1 – 4 We are currently negotiating with staff around meal break issues and would not wish to comment at this stage until the negotiations are complete. I will write to you again should that position change.

5 - 7 Employee Directors are nominated by the staff side and receive no additional payment.

8. No Executive members of the Board receive extra money for attending Board meetings. Non Executive Directors are different as they are not employees.

Review Procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which I have dealt with your request, you are entitled to require a review of this decision. Should you decide to request a review you must:

Apply for a review of our decision in writing within 40 working days of the date of this notice and include:

• An address for further correspondence
• A description of the original request and
• The reason(s) why you are dissatisfied with our decision

You should address your request for a review of decision to:

Mr Calum Kerr
Head of Corporate Affairs
Scottish Ambulance Service

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