South Lanarkshire

Here's another good letter about the fight for equal pay in South Lanarkshire - which has been sent in to the local paper - the Hamilton Advertiser.


I am an employee of South Lanarkshire Council and again I would appreciate my name being withheld.

All the pieces in the paper regarding South Lanarkshire Council saving money, but it would be interesting to know how much has been spent on the tribunal over equal pay.

The tribunal has been postponed until November because South Lanarkshire Council's expert witness parted company from South Lanarkshire Council just before he was due to give his evidence and they have to find a new witness.

I wonder how much money was paid to their expert witness before they parted company and how much is it going to cost for the new one?


The author of the letter asks a very good question regarding the council's use of public money - and isn't it interesting that people ask for their details to be withheld.

If people are afraid to speak out because of the potential consequences - what does that say about the culture and attitudes inside South Lanarkshire Council?

The council could of course publish the information highlighted in the letter - just by passing the details over to the local newspaper - as a useful public information service.

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