Alice Cooper
But it's taken me all this time to realise what a 'nutjob' the man is - and not just because of his support for the T-party in America.
No what did it for me are his fundamentalist religious beliefs - which he has been sharing of late with the great British public - presumably because he's over here at the moment doing another UK tour.
Anyway, I digress - because the important thing is that while Alice plays golf every day - he also wants the world to know that he's a man of faith.
"I'm Christian. I believe in evolution inside individual species, but I believe in Creation first. I think God created the species and then let them evolve. Even (Stephen) Hawking once admitted that he believes in Creation, because as a physicist, you can't get something from nothing."
Now I'll let Stephen Hawking speak for himself - but Alice and his creation fantasy can't be allowed to go unchallenged.
Because it sounds like something out of the famous Scopes Monkey Trial - a landmark legal case from America in 1925 - which eventually overturned a state-wide ban on teaching evolution in Tennessee schools.
Science, reason and common sense prevailed in the end - but only after a long fight - and if the religious right in America get their way - people might have to do it all over again.
The whole point about evolution and natural selection is that it's a continuous process - over millions of years - no Creator or God popped up at convenient intervals - to insert a few more links in the chain.
Now Alice is free to believe in anything he likes - in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or even the Easter Bunny.
Just spare me the proselytising - that I can do without.