Excuses Excuses

Just about the caziest news story of the week involved Charlie Gilmour - son of the Pink Floyd guitarist (David Gilmour) - who was jailed for 16 months for violent disorder - in the wake of a student protest over tuition fees.

Now Charlie is appealing against the length of his prison sentence - which I have some sympathy with - I have to say.

Because I don't believe that a long spell in jail - at public expense - is the best way for someone like Charlie to repay his debt to society.

But I do object to being treated like an idiot - which is how Charlie and his legal team are treating the public.

By saying that this privately educated, Cambridge University history student - didn't realise what he was doing - when he swung from a flag at the country's national war memorial - the Cenotaph.

Charlie's pathetic excuse for behaving like a complete arse is - a) that he was brought up in the country - b) that he was out of his mind on a cocktail of drink and drugs - and c) that he hardly remembers a thing about what went on that day.

Well if that's the best Charlie can come up with - I'd just as well leave him in jail - because it's a ridiculous defence.

If he were to take responsibility for his actions - not make excuses for himself - and suggest that some kind of community based sentence might be a better way of making reparation.

Then young Charlie would have my full support.

As it it he sounds like a poor little rich kid with an awful lot of growing up to do - who is simply hiding behind the best legal representation - that money can buy.

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