Cabbage Patch Kid

The paint is still peeling off Ed Miliband's big speech to the Labour party conference last week - as commentators queue up to denounce his general performance and lack of intellectual rigour.

Here's an extract of what Andrew McKie had to say the other day - writing in The Herald - which is not known for being overtly hostile to Labour.

The Labour Party has decided that it is in favour of disowning the version of their party which won three General Elections, while defending the one which created the largest structural deficit ever. In between running down Tony Blair, whistling The Red Flag and forgetting the name of the front-runner for the leadership of the Scottish party, Ed Miliband remembered to stress that the party isn’t hostile to business – as long as he gets to choose which companies are good, and can take any action he fancies against those he thinks are bad.

I suppose it's not surprising really - since the two leading Labour figures these days - Ed Miliband and Ed Balls - were both in Gordon Brown's kitchen cabinet for years - which is where their political instincts were nurtured and honed.

So while Ed Miliband is clearly not Tony Blair or Gordon Brown - it's clear where he's coming from - and that he's not a political virgin.

Which is as daft as it sounds - as if Ed emerged without trace and without baggage - like some kind of Labour messiah - the political equivalent of a 'cabbage patch kid'. 

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