Scottish Labour and Equal Pay

Here's a copy of a letter that I sent recently to the leader of the Scottish Labour party - Iain Gray.

The point is a simple one.

If Scottish Labour are prepared to demand such action from the SNP-led government - over FOISA - then why not demand the same when it comes to the Labour-led council in South Lanarkshire? 

The issues are just the same and - as far as I know - the FOISA issues involved have not been discussed and agreed by the full council.

To my mind South Lanarkshire Council's decision to defy a clear ruling from the Scottish Information Commissioner - is a disgrace - and a terrible waste of public money. 

And if the Labour group or Labour party in South Lanarkshire were faced with picking up the bill - then maybe the council would behave differently? 

Just a thought.

"Dear Mr Gray

South Lanarkshire Council - Labour Group

I refer to the Scottish government's decision to withdraw its recent FOISA appeal to the Court of Session - and to your subsequent comments in the press.

I reproduce the relevant comment below for easy reference:

"Alex Salmond should not only apologise to for misleading the Scottish public about his plans to hike up tax bills, but he should make sure the SNP pay back every penny of public money spent on this cynical cover-up campaign."

As you know, I am involved in a similar issue with Labour-led South Lanarkshire Council which is also wasting time and public money with a FOISA appeal to the Court of Session - instead of abiding by a clear and reasoned decision from the Scottish Information Commissioner.

So my question is will you support a similar stance on the Labour Group in South Lanarkshire Council meeting the costs involved - if the Council either withdraws or ultimately loses the case at the Court of Session?

Because that seems to me to be the logic of your position.

I am sure the Labour Group in South Lanarkshire Council - as well as the 2000 plus council employees affected by the council's behaviour - would be interested to hear your views.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine"

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