
For some strange resason the blog site had 23 visitors from Romania the other day.

More than the number of readers from America that day - and the USA is normally in the  Number 2 spot - after all the daily visitors from the UK.

I find that absolutely fascinating - I have to say.

Who are these people - what do they do - how do they find the Action 4 Equality Scotland blog site - and what do they find that interests them when they do?

Romania - as everyone knows - is where Bram Stoker's Count Dracula lived in Transylvania - before travelling to England and acquiring a taste for western European blood.

But beyond that I suspect people know relatively little about Romania - including me.

I know it is a central European country - bordered by the Ukraine, Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria - but it's not a land-locked country because it has access to the Black Sea.

I know it s a Slavic, mainly Christian country - a former satellite state of the Soviet Union - ruled with a rod of iron by the great dictator Nikolae Ceausescu - until he was toppled and killed by his own people.

I know that many people believe than the Roma 'gypsy' people come from Romania - but they don't - they actually come from the north west frontier of what is now modern-day India and Pakistan.

And I know that when the Ceasescu regime was finally overthrown - Scotland built up links with Romania and that an Edinburgh based charity (whose name escapes me for the moment) - took over many lorry-loads of much-needed relief supplies.

And finally I know that an acquaintance of mine, the former investigative reporter for BBC Scotland - Bob Wylie - wrote a book about Romania as it struggled to become a free country - and stand on its own two feet.

And Bob Wylie was the journalist who broke the original story about Action 4 Equality Scotland  and the fight for equal pay in Scotland - back in August 2005. 

So there's a coincidence.

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