Democracy in Action

The e-petition demanding the release of Cabinet Papers on the Hillsborough disaster has now reached its target of 100,000 signatories - so the FOI request and the underlying issues involved will now be discussed in the House of Commons.

Anyone who wants to draw a comparison between the behaviour of the House of Commons and South Lanarkshire Council - could do worse than send an e-mail to the council's Labour leader - councillor Eddie MacAvoy.

Councillor MacAvoy's e-mail address is:

See previous post below dated 21 August 2011.

South Lanarkshire and Sir Humphrey 
What's the difference between South Lanarkshire Council and Sir Humphrey of 'Yes Minister' fame?

Well - when it comes to freedom of information - there's no difference at all - they appear to be two peas out of the same pod.

Because the Cabinet Office - on behalf of Her Majesty's government - has appealed an ruling from the Information Commissioner (for England and Wales) requiring the government to release papers on the Hillsborough disaster - where scores of Liverpool football fans lost their lives.

An independent inquiry has been set up - but the government refuses to release Cabinet Office papers on the immediate policing response - which has come in for great criticism from the families of the victims.

An e-mail petition has already reached 63,000 supporters - and once it reaches 100,000 signatories - the issues involved will have to be considered and debated in the House of Commons.

Now I call that democracy in action - which is sadly lacking in South Lanarkshire Council - which behaves as if the council is a law unto itself.

More than 2,100 employees of South Lanarkshire Council are pursuing equal pay claims with Action 4 Equality Scotland - proportionately a greater share of the local population than the 100,000 signatories required to trigger a debate in the House of Commons on the Hillsborough Disaster.

But has the issue of freedom of information and equal pay featured strongly - in the official business of South Lanarkshire Council recently?

Has it heck - the senior officials and leading Labour polticians are scared to debate the issues properly - which is normally a sure sign that they have something to hide.

Maybe someone should start up an e-petition in South Lanarkshire.

Because if that's good enough for a Conservative-led coalition in Westminster - surely that's not too much to ask of a Labour-led council - in the heart of Scotland.

Now where is the council leader's e-mail address?

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