Mickey Mouse Degrees

As I read the Sunday Times at the weekend - I thought that old petrolhead Jeremy Clarkson's at it again - ranting on about something or other having sniffed too many petrol fumes.

Jeremy was in top gear as he laid into the standard of education and Mickey Mouse degrees - at English universities.

He claimed that courses in 'Dance with Waste Management' and 'Third World Development with Pop Music' - were available as bona fide degrees - in real universities.

No, I said to myself - he's gone stark raving bonkers this time - but the truth is old JC is bang on the money - as a quick visit to the internet confirms.

Because a degree in 'Dance with Waste Management' is actually available - at Northampton University.

So too is a degree in 'Dance with Equine Studies' would you believe - though where that fascinating subject is taught - I have no idea I am glad to say.

Quite how these ridiculous topics get public funding is beyond me - even more laughable is the notion that they can be taught to degree standard.

But they are responsible for me doing something I never thought I'd do - which is to take my hat off to Jeremy Clarkson.

Because the old petrolhead makes a fair point - you know.

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