The Bams' Tram

So now we know.

Edinburgh City Council has officially lost its marbles - by voting in a trams project that will lose £4 million every year - and will only run to Haymarket Station.

Regulars readers will know that this is the same council that said it didn't have the money to meet its equal pay obligations.

Yet is still using public money to fight outstanding claims - from former APT&C employees.

Various groups including Social Care Workers, Cooks-in-Charge, Learning Assistants, School Janitors and Social Work Drivers - are all still fighting for equal pay - while the council pours millions of pounds down the drain.

The new tram system will stop at Haymarket - which already has a first-class, regular bus service to Edinburgh Airport. 

No one has completely clean hands in this debacle.

But the Labour and Lib Dem councillors who voted championed this project - and the Labour and Lib Dem MSPs at Holyrood who supported them with hundreds of millions of pounds - bear most responsibility.

Both parties owe the people of Edinburgh and the Scottish Parliament - a huge apology.  

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