Gaza - Give Peace A Chance! (December 18, 2023)

David Aaronovitch wrote an interesting Substack piece in which he lists his 'demands' for giving peace a chance in Gaza and the Middle East.

Here are the headlines - for more details follow the link below.












Hamas as a military organisation must leave Gaza, upon whose people it has deliberately brought such death and destruction.


Hamas and the other armed groups must take immediate steps to free all hostages taken on October 7th.


Israel must immediately cease offensive military operations in Gaza and any operations that put civilian lives at serious risk.


An international aid effort is needed to help the people of Gaza with their health, housing and other basic needs.


Publicly acknowledged multilateral talks about the short term future of Gaza and its reconstruction must begin involving Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt and such Arab states as might be usefully involved in the reconstruction of Gaza. As soon as possible a form must be found for Gazans to be directly involved in these discussions. They haven’t been consulted about their government for nearly 20 years.


No confidence can be reposed by the international community, by any Palestinians or the majority of Israelis in the premiership of Binyamin Netanyahu, who is clearly a barrier to any progress. He is the past, and a horribly failed past at that. He should resign immediately.


No confidence can be reposed in a government in which extreme Jewish nationalists, including those who have supported past acts of terrorism, hold portfolios. The Knesset must kick them out of office.


A minority of Jews living on the West Bank are involved in egregious violence against Palestinians. They seem recently to have acted with impunity. They must be prevented from continuing by the Israeli security forces.


A new Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority must state their renewed commitment to a peace process with the objective of setting up a Palestinian state alongside Israel.


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