NLC Feedback

A number of readers have been in touch with me over what they regard as obstructive behaviour by North Lanarkshire Council - in response to requests for pay information in years gone by.

All people have been asking the Council is to confirm the pay records for their own jobs, but for some reason the Council has chosen to be obstructive and is passing people from pillar to post - or in one case telling them their 'lawyers' would have to request these details.

Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous in your life?

Unfortunately, councils do behave in this terribly unhelpful way from time to time and the way to respond is by being ever more reasonable - and by making a formal FoI request if necessary. 

The other thing to do is to poke fun at the bureaucratic mindset of the Council and the managers involved in giving their own employees the 'run around'.

I will draft a formal FoI request that people might like to send to North Lanarkshire if the situation does not improve, but if the workforce has to use legislation to access their own pay records that really will say something about the state of North Lanarkshire Council in 2014.   

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