Dream Ticket

Here's an extract from a Guardian article written by the newspaper's political editor, Andrew Sparrow, in which he comes up with an amazingly original thought at No. 8 in his list of things to learn from the local election results - a political union between London and Scotland.

Now there's one 'dream ticket' I'd never thought I'd see - Alex Salmond and Boris Johnson, the mind just boggles at the prospect although I imagine it would be lots of fun.  

Eight things we learned from the local election results

Ukip are a threat to everybody, London plays by its own rules and the Lib Dems have had to redefine rock bottom
8. London really is different from the rest of the country electorally. It seems to be the only place in England impervious to Ukip's charms. Like Scotland. (Perhaps if Scotland goes independent we Londoners could join up with them, share the pound, and leave the rest of England with something Ukip-ish, like the groat?)

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