Bananman v Sandwich Slayer

Rod Liddle has a bit of fun at the expenses of the Miliband brothers via his column in The Sunday Times - because I have to say I'd pay good money to watch a rematch between Bananaman and Sandwich Slayer.

How pleased must David Miliband be that he's moved on and got himself a real job instead of being pictured holding a banana or trying to eat a bacon butty.

Stand aside, Bananaman, here comes the Sandwich Slayer

What is it with the Milibands and food? First we saw David holding aloft a banana as if it were an astonishing and hitherto unencountered artefact.

Now kid brother Ed, during his typically brilliant election campaign, attempted to get to grips with an equally strange comestible, a bacon sandwich.

It looked very much as if the sandwich had announced its intention to vote UKIP just before he tried to bite it.

Ed gurned and grimaced, presumably trying desperately to get the thing down. His eyes began to pop. But still the bacon sandwich would not give in.

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