Scotland's Referendum

I have completed and returned my 'response form' on the Scottish Government's plans to hold a referendum in 2014.

People can download the draft bill, the questionnaire and response form from the internet - the nuts and bolts of which are explained in a previous post dated 26 January 2012 - 'Have Your Say'.

Here's what I had to say in my own response which I returned by e-mail - so the whole process is easy peasy and user friendly - as it should be.
Consultation Questionnaire

What are your views on the referendum question and the design of the ballot paper?

I am happy with the draft question, but believe there should be a second question on the ballot paper about extending the current powers of the Scottish Parliament. I fail to see asking more than one question can be confusing and, in my view, this represents a unique opportunity to seek the views of the general public on the way in which Scotland is governed – as opposed to leaving these issues solely in the hands of our politicians and political parties.

What are your views on the proposed timetable and voting arrangements?

I am satisfied with the proposed timetable and arrangements. The present government has a proper mandate and is the only government, in recent memory at least, with the political will to put the issue before the Scottish people. So, by and large I am happy that the present Scottish Government is in the driving seat and has overall responsibility for ensuring that the referendum is both free and fair.

What are your views on the inclusion of a second question in the referendum and the voting system that could be used?

I support the idea of having a second question on the ballot paper about extending the current powers of the Scottish Parliament. I would ask two questions:

First Question

Should Scotland become an independent country?

Yes .......No

Second Question

Should the Scottish Parliament have full revenue raising powers or ‘fiscal autonomy' and pass on to the Westminster Parliament - Scotland's share of the UK wide costs on defence and foreign affairs?


In my view the result of the second question would of course only come into play - if the answer to the first question is No. To my mind it would be ridiculous and undemocratic to insist on having only one question when there is good evidence to show that many Scots agree with extending the current powers of the Scottish Parliament – Devo Max in the present jargon. If the choices in the referendum are restricted to a straight Yes or No answer to one question, then the reality is that many Scots will be disenfranchised - to quote the words of Canon Kenyon Wright.

I hope that the Scottish Government acts in the wider interests of people who believe in extending the current powers of the Scottish Parliament and whose views will be excluded out if there is only one question on the ballot paper.

What are your views on the proposal to give the Electoral Management Board and its Convener responsibility for the operational management of the referendum?

I am satisfied with the proposed arrangements.

What are your views on the proposed division of roles between the Electoral Management Board and the Electoral Commission?

I am satisfied with the proposed arrangements.

What are your views on the idea that the referendum could be held on a Saturday or on other ways which would facilitate voting?

I support the idea of holding the referendum on Saturday to test whether this might have a positive impact on voter turnout. A Saturday polling day would have the advantage of not cancelling a full school day which is always a problem for people with childcare responsibilities.

I would also support the possibility of voting by e-mail – or even by text message – provided that appropriate security arrangements can be put in place.

What are your views on extending the franchise to those aged 16 and 17 years who are eligible to be registered on the electoral register?

I agree with 16 and 17 year olds being given the right to vote generally – in both local and national elections. I believe this is a good idea in principle and see no reason why it should not be introduced for all future elections – as well as the planned referendum in 2014.

What are your views on the proposed spending limits?

The suggested spending limits seen sensible and proportionate to me – I agree with the proposals.

Do you have any other comments about the proposals in the draft Referendum (Scotland) Bill?


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