Holy Warriors

Two Thai women have fun with the three Iranian bomb suspects at a restaurant in Pattaya, Thailand, recently. Masoud Sedaghat Zadeh
The Holy Warriors who were part of a botched Iranian bomb plot in Thailand - turned out not to be so holy after all - as the picture above demonstrates.

The not so strict Islamic jihadists were photographed in Bangkok's red light district in the days leading up to the attack - in which one of the terrorists managed to blow off his own legs.

Funny how people will kill in the name of their religion and happily break some of its  most basic rules - yet still proclaim themselves to be following God's will.

Maybe with all this extra curricular activity the bombers took their eye off the ball - because in the end they managed to screw up up big time.

But the hypocrisy involved in the plot is staggering - skanky men whose strict religious code can be cast aside at the drop of a hat -  yet worn in public again when it suits their purpose. 

Holy Warriors my arse.  

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