Winning Friends
Today's Telegraph newspaper carries a cartoon - Bigger.Fatter.Scottisher. - which is ridiculous on a number of fronts.
Not only will the portrayal of Alex Salmond as a big, fat gyspy bride offend gypsies - it will get up the noses of a lot of other people as well.
Scottish voters that is - whom the newspaper is trying to influence presumably.
Fat chance now - I would have to say.
I stopped watching this Big, Fat Gypsy Wedding stuff a long time ago.
Because I find it very exploitative - an unhealthy mix of fly-on-the-wall cum car-crash television - which is not in the least entertaining.
Nor is it raising any serious issues - about the lifestyles of travelling people.
So I suspect the Telegraph's joke will have the opposite of its intended effect - I predict it will backfire.
First of all - because it's not funny.
Secondly, while Scotland's First Minister can stand up for himself - it's very mean spirited to use travelling people and their lifestyles - to try and make a serious political point.