Vile Propaganda

Poster depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a Nazi uniform with a swastika surrounded by the EU stars
The problems facing Greece are enormous and largely of their own making - but this doesn't stop some of its citizens from blaming its economic woes on others - notably the Germans.

In recent weeks the anti-German message has been getting out of hand - with an Athens radio station being fined 25,000 Euros for calling Angela Merkel - the German Chancellor - a 'dirty Berlin slut'.

Cartoons have appeared portraying Germans as concentration camp guards - with the Greeks as holocaust victims.

The one above shows Angela Merkel in full Nazi regalia - which suggests that some people have completely taken leave of their senses.

The point is that no one is actually forcing the Greek people to swallow their nasty austerity medicine - if they don't like it, they can always drop out of the Euro.

Which would have big consequences - but would also be a darned sight more honest than this vile, anti-German propaganda campaign.

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