Eating Your Words

Everyone knows that the Scottish Labour party makes great play for its dislike of the Tories - won't go near them with a bargepole - no shared platforms on Scottish independence - blah, blah, blah, blah.

Of course this is complete nonsense.

Because the Scottish Labour party is quite happy to jump into bed with the Tories - when it suits them.

As they did the other day in Stirling - when Labour and the Tories combined their votes to force through an alternative budget - against the minority SNP administration.

And in South Lanarkshire as well - where the Labour-run council owes its majority to the support of Conservative councillors - who did a grubby deal with Labour after the last council elections in 2007.

So all this political posturing from Scottish Labour is for the feeble minded - or people with short memories.

Because as recent events have shown - they're quite happy to eat their own words - when the right opportunity comes along.

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