Snouts in Troughs

The Labour party seems inclined to get rid of one of its MPs - Eric Joyce, the member for Falkirk.

The reason for this move seems to be the recent altercation in the Strangers Bar of the House of Commons - which has led to Eric Joyce facing three charges of common assault.

Now what puzzles me is that the MP's behaviour is most likely to be explained - by some underlying alcohol dependence and/or mental health problem.

Which may well mean that he's unfit to carry on as a member of parliament - but if so, you would think that the situation would be dealt with sensitively - with a degree of humanity.

Personally speaking I would have got shot of Eric Joyce years ago - but for a political reason not a personal one.

My reason would be that Eric Joyce is one of those MPs - who has benefited hugely out of the MPs' expenses scandal.

Like many others he bought second home to live in while down in Westminster - and the public purse paid many of thousands of pounds to pay his mortgage and maintain the property.

Yet the 'rules' of the House of Commons allowed Eric Joyce to hold on to the property as if it were his personal asset - and despite the fact that its purchase didn't cost him a single penny.

To me that is a morally bankrupt position for any MP to hold - because it's a double standard.

And all the while Eric Joyce has been in the House of Commons - his only real claim to fame was in coming first in the league table - year after year - for his MP's expenses.

So I won't join the angry mob now baying for Joyce's blood over an unseemly incident in the Strangers Bar - in which alcohol seems to have played a big part.

The man probably needs help on that score - and he has court case to face which doesn't augur too well.

But if I had my way he would have been run out of town years ago - because he and other MPs like him - have had their noses in the public trough for far too long. 

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