Brass Neck

I listened to that old phoney - Lord John Prescott - blethering on the other day about the phone hacking scandal.

The noble Lord Prescott has accepted £40,000 from News International for hacking into his mobile phone - while John was deputy Prime Minister.

And as far as I know he's not donating the money to charity.

Which you think he would do since he's retired an a big 'final salary' public pension - and is also able to claim £300 per day tax free - just for turning up in the House of Lords.

So he can't exactly be short of a bob or two. 

But what I'd like to know is why the £40,000 was paid in the first place - what could plain old John Prescott possibly be saying - that was of any interest to anyone at the time?

Because for the most part Prescott made absolutely no sense - in which case hacking his phone was a complete waste of time.

For the latter part of John Prescott's time in government he had virtually nothing to do - he was stripped of almost all his duties when he was exposed for having an affair - with one of his junior civil servants.

To my mind the old goat was lucky not to have been sacked - for bringing his public office into disrepute.

But here he is £40,000 better off and demanding apologies from other people - right left and centre.

It's true what they say you know - Lord John has one of the best brass necks known to mankind.

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