Wrong Side of History

A reader contacted me the other day to ask what I thought of the recent proposal - from some loony MP at Westminster - to reduce the mimimum wage for disabled workers.

Apparently this MP believes that lower pay would lead to more employment amongst disabled workers - since the cost of recruitment and employment would be less.

Well I suppose there's some kind of crazy logic to the idea.

Much the same way as 'low pay for black people' - would presumably encourage greater employment amongst Scotland's ethnic minority population.

But the slight problem I foresee is - that it's against the law and discriminatory.

So I don't think it will catch on.

Although it does have to be said that lots of council employers in Scotland - have been discriminating against their women workers for years.

Which is what the fight for equal pay has been all about.

And which just goes to show that many Labour councils - and Labour supporting trade unions - were on the wrong side of history over Single Status and Equal Pay.

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