Old Dogs and New Tricks

I read with amusement the other day - the comments of certain Labour MSPs on the dangers of the new SNP government becoming an 'elected dictatorship'.

Now these would presumably be the same MSPs who were quite happy to have Labour in power at Westminster for 13 years - with an absolute majorty of seats - but based on less than 40% of the popular vote.

Or would it be a different group of Labour MSPs - who have been living on a different planet from everyone else?

Labour's Hugh Henry, for example - a former minister and MSP since 1999 - reportedly said:

"My fear is that we could be heading for an elected dictatorship where there is no criticism, there is no challenge, and there is no scrutiny."

Well that's what being in opposition is all about - it's a long hard, unforgiving slog.

Having taken people so much for granted over the years - the fact is that this old Labour dog is going to have to learn some new tricks.

And the sooner the better - because no one else is going to do the job for them.

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