Key Issues on Single Status

The key issues regarding the fight for equal pay in South Lanarkshire - are well known to regular readers of the blog site.

But in the wake of the Scottish elections there's a greater level of activity that before - the most obvious being a new intake of MSPs - who are in a position to raise these issue with South Lanarkshire Council.

So here's a brief summary of the key points - so far.

Pay Information
The lack of transparent pay information - so that people can see for themselves what different male and female council jobs get paid.

Openness and Transparency
Just about every other council in Scotland released this pay information years ago - without any fuss or bother - but years later South Lanarkshire is still dragging its feet.

Job Evaluation
Women's jobs in South Lanarkshire are still stuck at the bottom of the pay ladder - yet Single Status was intended to address historical inequalities in pay - and promised women a fairer deal which has never materialised.

Freedom of Information
South Lanarkshire Council has refsued to comply with an Freedom of Information decision from the Scottish Information Commissioner - and has appealed the judgement to the Court of Session - wasting further time and public money.

Democratic Scrutiny and Oversight
The 'implementation' of Single Status in South Lanarkshire Council was carried out by the most senior managers in the council - via the council's Corporate Management Team - effectively by-passing elected councillors and council committees.

Incentive Payments
More recently it has come to light that during the 'implementation period' for Single Status in 2001/02 - when different groups of workers were moved over to forthnightly pay - at least some of the men given a £500 incentive payment, but the women workers received nothing. Why?

The Role of the Unions
The trade unions in South Lanarkshire have a very cosy relationship with the council - which is evidenced by the fact that they have failed to initiate a single equal pay claim on behalf of their members.

If you need any more information on any of these issues - I'm more than happy to help.

Just drop me a note at:

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