Wrecking Tactics Will Backfire

If a referendum on Scottish independence were to be held today - I would almost certainly vote No.

After all with more powers devolved to the Scottish Parliament and the ability for Scotland to go its own way on key issues - why become a completely separate country from the rest of the UK?

Surely devolution plus - or devolution to the max - is the best of both worlds.

But if there's one thing likely to change my mind and bring out that thrawn stubborn Scottish streak - it's a dirty tricks campaign by the UK government and pro-union parties.

Which is exactly what this 'two ballots' nonsense is all about - pulled out of thin air yesterday by the Lib Dem Secretary of State for Scotland - Michael Moore.

'Two Ballots' Moore says that Scotland can only become independent if it votes Yes in two separate referenda - the first an advisory ballot on the principle and the second a decisive ballot once the 'spoils' have been divided.

Now that's a bit like getting two divorces - which makes no sense and is really just a recipe for a set of negotiations that will never end.

In other words - a wrecking tactic.

The Labour party played a similar dirty trick in 1979 - when various Labour MPs and their supporters imposed - a 40% threshhold for the turnout in a referendum on Scottish devolution.

The wrecking tactics of Labour MPs set Scottish devolution back for another twenty years - more dirty tricks this time around are likely to backfire.

All it will achieve is to push voters like me - towards the Yes camp.

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