Questions and Answers

I said I would provide a more detailed explanation on this business of calculating the length of an equal pay claim. 1) The settlement period starts from January 2007 because this is the year when the WPBR was originally introduced - so no one can go back beyond January 2007. 2) The end date of the settlement period has still to be agreed with Glasgow City Council, but this will be somewhere between 31 March 2017 to 31 March 2018. 3) Claims already registered in January 2007 continued to 'add on' time going forward until the agreed settlement date, so long as the claimants remained employed with Glasgow City Council. 4) If a claimant left the Council's before the agreed settlement date, their claim goes up to the last day of their employment with GCC. 5) If a claim was registered after January 2007, the claim can jump back in time for a maximum of 5 years - assuming the claimant had 5 years service at the time. 6) For example, a claim re...