Innocents Abroad
Every time someone is up for extradition in the UK there's a big media campaign highlighting how unfair it is - allegedly - to send poor 'so and so' off to face justice in a foreign land. Doesn't really matter who it is - young or old, rich or poor - though interestingly most suspects turn out to be men. But whoever's involved there's always a tear inducing argument at hand to explain how terrible things are likely to be - for the alleged criminal. The underlying logic being that they must be allowed to remain in the UK - at all costs - instead of being packed off abroad to face their accusers. So to illustrate the point: Julian Assange says he won't get a fair trial in Sweden - he didn't sexually assault anyone. Shrien Dewani says he shouldn't be extradited to South Africa - he didn't arrange for his new bride to be murdered . Christopher Tappin says American j...