Scotland's Nasty Party

The Scottish Sun has a remarkable and disturbing story about an SNP supporter who has been terrorising Kate Forbes, the Finance Minister, with threatening messages.

Craig Hackett from Glasgow pled guilty in court to a campaign of intimidation and was served with a non-harassment order that bans him from contacting Kate Forbes and her family for five years.

Sadly there are lots of strange people in the SNP's ranks who need weeded out and dealt with by the party itself - as well as the courts.

Hackett with outgoing First Minister Nicola Sturgeon

Hackett with outgoing First Minister Nicola Sturgeon

Men, Women and the SNP (February 04, 2023)

I can't speak for Nicola Sturgeon, but the chap in question is male not female and despite his aggressive behaviour (in person and on social media) he managed to rise to the rank of 'disabilities officer' in the SNP.

Strangely, the SNP seems to attract and indeed promote people like this to positions of influence and responsibility.


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