Harvie the Hypocrite (1)

Patrick Harvie is on his moral high horse about same sex marriage - yet this is the same Scottish minister who thinks it's reasonable to 'cancel' and refuse to engage with members of the public who disagree with him over self-ID and gender ideology.

What a terrible hypocrite.

Dear Mr Irvine,

Given that you attended the recent anti-trans protest and have misrepresented the proposals in the current Gender Recognition Reform Bill by claiming that they pose a threat to women's rights, I do not believe that any purpose will be served by meeting with you. 

Clearly you disagree with the Bill, which will remove barriers to gender recognition which trans people have faced since the original GRA was passed. I strongly support the Bill, as did the cross party committee which held extensive evidence sessions as part of the stage 1 scrutiny process (with the exception of the Conservative members, which comes as little surprise).

I deeply regret the harm being caused by the current wave of transphobia which has taken hold in much of the UK's media and in some parts of the political spectrum, and I am committed to standing against it. Passing this Bill, which was promised by all five parties in Parliament in 2016 and which has been delayed too often and too long, will be an important step in countering this prejudice. 


Patrick Harvie

Dear Patrick Harvie

Gender Recognition Reform Bill

I refer to your letter dated 24 October 2022.

I have to say I find your intolerant attitude very sinister, anti-democratic and at odds with the Nolan principles on standards in public life, not least because voters engaging with elected politicians is a normal, indeed essential, part of the democratic process.

You seem to think that as an MSP you are entitled to ban and refuse to meet with constituents, if they hold views which are different to yours which, in my case and in your own words, involved me attending a demonstration in support of women's rights at the Holyrood Parliament.

In my view, this is an outrageous way for a Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) to behave, especially as your views on gender ideology are firmly opposed by the vast majority of Scots, according to all the opinion polls, who do not accept that men should be able to self-declare themselves as women, or that men should be allowed to change their sex under the law without medical oversight.

I would, therefore, invite you to reflect on your behaviour and provide me with an opportunity to discuss these issues with you in a civil, respectful manner.

For example, I am keen to understand why you think it is reasonable to insist that fellow citizens must accept your bizarre belief that a biological male is a woman - just because he says he is a woman.

Furthermore, why should said male be able to change his sex under the law when he is not able to self-declare a new preferred age (younger or older), or designate himself as a member of a different racial group, to the one recorded on his birth certificate?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

Patrick Harvie - Democrat? Demagogue? Ideologue? (October 26, 2022)

My reply to Patrick Harvie, the Glasgow MSP on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill.

Dear Patrick Harvie

Gender Recognition Reform Bill

I refer to your letter dated 24 October 2022.

I have to say I find your intolerant attitude very sinister, anti-democratic and at odds with the Nolan principles on standards in public life, not least because voters engaging with elected politicians is a normal, indeed essential, part of the democratic process.

You seem to think that as an MSP you are entitled to ban and refuse to meet with constituents, if they hold views which are different to yours which, in my case and in your own words, involved me attending a demonstration in support of women's rights at the Holyrood Parliament.

In my view, this is an outrageous way for a Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) to behave, especially as your views on gender ideology are firmly opposed by the vast majority of Scots, according to all the opinion polls, who do not accept that men should be able to self-declare themselves as women, or that men should be allowed to change their sex under the law without medical oversight.

I would, therefore, invite you to reflect on your behaviour and provide me with an opportunity to discuss these issues with you in a civil, respectful manner.

For example, I am keen to understand why you think it is reasonable to insist that fellow citizens must accept your bizarre belief that a biological male is a woman - just because he says he is a woman.

Furthermore, why should said male be able to change his sex under the law when he is not able to self-declare a new preferred age (younger or older), or designate himself as a member of a different racial group, to the one recorded on his birth certificate?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

Patrick Harvie - Rude, Arrogant, Out-Of-Touch (October 26, 2022)

Patrick Harvie finally got back to me about arranging a meeting to discuss the Gender Recognition Reform Bill. 

Seems like Pat's only prepared to be respectful and meet with people who already agree with him - but what a rude, out-of-touch, arrogant man!

Imagine a politician refusing to meet one of his  constituents for attending a peaceful demonstration in support of women's rights.

I'll share my response to the Glasgow regional list MSP when I get round to replying to him in the next day or so.

Dear Mr Irvine,

Given that you attended the recent anti-trans protest and have misrepresented the proposals in the current Gender Recognition Reform Bill by claiming that they pose a threat to women's rights, I do not believe that any purpose will be served by meeting with you. 

Clearly you disagree with the Bill, which will remove barriers to gender recognition which trans people have faced since the original GRA was passed. I strongly support the Bill, as did the cross party committee which held extensive evidence sessions as part of the stage 1 scrutiny process (with the exception of the Conservative members, which comes as little surprise).

I deeply regret the harm being caused by the current wave of transphobia which has taken hold in much of the UK's media and in some parts of the political spectrum, and I am committed to standing against it. Passing this Bill, which was promised by all five parties in Parliament in 2016 and which has been delayed too often and too long, will be an important step in countering this prejudice. 


Patrick Harvie

Glasgow MSPs - Patrick Harvie (October 14, 2022)

I've had to chase up Patrick Harvie's office about meeting up to discuss potential changes to the Gender Recognition Act which is pretty disappointing.

Kim (Long) is Patrick's Community Engagement Manager and acted previously as a local Glasgow Green councillor.

Dear Patrick/Kim

Consultation on Potential Changes to the Gender Recognition Act

I refer to my letter dated 5 October 2022.

The opportunity to meet at the Scottish Parliament has obviously now passed, but no one has come back to me about arranging a meeting in Glasgow.

I would be grateful if you could suggest some likely dates between now and the end of October? 

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

Glasgow MSPs - Patrick Harvie (October 12, 2022)

I haven't heard from Patrick Harvie since my request to meet up with him to discuss proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.

MSPs claim generous expenses from public money to run their offices, of course, and so I really shouldn't have to chase this up - but I will.

Glasgow MSPs - Patrick Harvie (October 06, 2022)

Patrick Harvie's office responded to my request to meet up while I'm through in Edinburgh today, but said he is too busy with Tenants Protection legislation.

On checking the Parliament's business agenda it appears this legislation is not due to be debated until later today, so I've asked if Patrick can squeeze something in beforehand - or arrange a meeting in Glasgow. 

Dear Kim

Many thanks for your quick response to my letter regarding my request to meet with Patrick Harvie tomorrow (Thursday) while I'm at the Scottish Parliament for the protest in support of women's rights.

I note from the Parliament's business agenda that the debate on Tenants' Protection legislation does not start until after 2pm - so I would be happy to meet with Patrick any time between 10.30am and 1pm, or even between 1pm and 2pm if Patrick could shave 10 minutes off his lunch break.

Would this be any good?

If not, can you suggest a couple of dates and times when Patrick will be free to meet up back in Glasgow?

Many thanks 

Mark Irvine

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